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Our Governors

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Woodfield Primary School is part of St Bartholomew's CE Multi Academy Trust. Annual accounts and information relating to the Directors and Members are published on the Trust’s website.


Woodfield Primary School is locally governed by a Local Governing Board.

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Mr S Arnold

Executive Headteacher

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Kate Davies

Chair of the LGB

Dawn Cooper (Appointed Governor)

Vice Chair of the LGB

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 Paula Robinson

Staff Governor

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Sophie Robinson-Matthews

Appointed Governor

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Karen Preston

Appointed Governor/Safeguarding Governor

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Sarah Jassal

Parent Governor

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Taiyba Jabin

Parent Governor

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Kimberley Swann

Appointed Governor

Chair of the LGB: Kate Davies 

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Vice Chair of the LGB: Dawn Cooper (Appointed Governor)

Appointed Governors (appointed by the Directors):
Karen Preston
Dawn Cooper

Katie Davies

Sophie Robinson-Matthews

Kimberley Swann

Staff (elected by staff): Paula Robinson


Parent (elected by parents of children in school): Sarah Jassal and Taiyba Jabin

Executive Headteacher (ex-officio by virtue of position): Mr S Arnold

The CEO, Katy Kent, is not a named member of the LGB as per the approved Scheme of Delegation but regularly attends meetings as required in her capacity as CEO.


The Local Governing Board deals with all operational matters; strategic issues are considered by the Trust Board.

The only LGB sub-committee in operation is the Governors' Pay Committee which will consist of any three non-staff Governors without a declaration of interest. The Pay Committee will agree a chair for the meeting. They will consider matters relating to the pay of school staff (not including the Headteacher or Assistant Head). Trust staff pay matters (those relating to the CEO and the Trust Director of Finance and Operations) and leadership pay matters (HT) are considered by the Directors’ Pay Committee and is therefore not a matter for the LGB.

All our Governors have voting rights.

Governance Documents
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