'Ambition. Belief. Courage.'
Woodfield Avenue | Wolverhampton | West Midlands | WV4 4AG


Woodfield Avenue | Wolverhampton | West Midlands | WV4 4AG
Woodfield Primary School is part of St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust

At Woodfield Primary School, we believe that the teaching and learning of Computing is essential to the development of all pupils in the world we live in today. We equip children to participate safely in a world of rapidly changing technology, through a series of progressive lessons that deepen pupils’ understanding of different areas of digital technology. As children progress throughout the school, we aim for pupils to develop the deep knowledge, understanding and skills to enable them to participate fully and safely in our digital school community.
Our Woodfield Vision for Computing
Pupils should experience a rich diet of Computing skills, including computer science, coding, multimedia creation and digital literacy skills.
Foster a love, enjoyment and curiosity for Computing.
Allow children to celebrate and share their work amongst peers communicating clearly and confidently so that their voice is heard.
Enable all children to excel and succeed; have ambition, belief and courage for themselves.
To show respect and understanding of differing cultures and viewpoints.
To demonstrate being an active, safe and responsible citizen online and offline.
National Curriculum
Our digital framework ensures all aspects of the National Curriculum are being taught, so that children:
Understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science;
Analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computing programs in order to solve such problems;
Evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems;
Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
In order to achieve this for our pupils, Topics taught across the school have been mapped out and planned in a progressive way.